Thursday, January 12, 2006

blog therapy

I am sick of serving others.

Do this. Do that. Get me this. Go here. Let me out. Let me in. I'm hungry. Hold this. Throw this. Pick up that. While you're back there..., I hate to bother you..., Change this. Move me here. No move me there. Can you move me back to where I was originally? Copy this. Copy that. Get one of those for me. How much is this? Oh. Nevermind. Send those for me. Pick up these for me. Wake me up. Put me to bed. Hold my child. Let my child be unruly. Let me ask you a question. What should I do? What do you think? Just do it this once. Let me ask you something. Let me ask you something else. Let me ask you the same damn question I ask every time I see you, but can't or won't retain the answer. Let me suck the life out of you an ounce at a time, and make of you the same mindless puppet that can't do anything for themselves I have been my whole life.

Whew. That should hold me for awhile.


Anonymous said...

You must know my mother ; )

I have been coming to your blog once or twice a week for a little while now. I like it. Would you mind if I linked to you on my blog?

Anonymous said...

I don't require/expect a reciprocal link, by the way.

g8rlane said...

Very funny---is your mother my mother?!
Thanks for the blogiment! I'm having fun with this for sure! Sure you can link to me!
This whole blog thing cracks me up!