Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Well, I'm in Texas. I know...say it ain't so.

I've been here for about 34 hrs and it feels like I am in another land. Not only is the topography very different, but there is just a pervasive sense of all things meaty and Republican.
I'm here to train on new software for our office. Me and a company full of good ole white boys, halls filled with animal skins, and cubicles adorned with crosses and state flags.
It's just bizarre.
I vowed to be a good girl and keep my mouth shut regarding politics or anything else that could get me hung from the nearest billboard advertising "Free 72 oz Steak if eaten in 1 hour".

After training for about an hour this morning, one of the guys I am working with made some statement regarding Bush---clearly fishing for my political leanings. I let it go and responded very down the middle. A few minutes later, the same guy offered me a "free screen saver with every training"----a big Texas flag. I declined politely stating that I have a state flag of my own. This doofus then said "Oh yeah you've got Jeb down there so you are doing okay"
I just couldn't hold it in any longer. "I may live in Florida, but I did NOT vote for Jeb."

This is when it dawned on me that the people here are completely clueless. They figure if you have your very own Bush then you must be just as happy as they are. Jokes were being made regarding dead Democrats and illegal voting and I managed to refrain from reminding them of the FACT that their illustrious party disenfranchised black voters in Florida. I'm afraid that would have been met with the sound of crickets chirping. Clueless.

Day 3 begins tomorrow. Sigh.

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