Saturday, August 19, 2006

Choose Death

I have been getting increasingly aggravated with those self-righteous Florida drivers that sport the "Choose Life" vanity license plates. It seems like they are increasing, multiplying before my very eyes even. It never fails that those same ignoramuses also have a Bush/Cheney sticker somewhere on their dilapidated mini-van spilling over with snotty-nosed-ill-behaved-children.

If you look a bit longer, you'll no doubt find a "Support the Troops" ribbon lovingly placed sideways to remind us that supporting the troops also means you love Jesus.

I propose a new vanity plate. In fact, I might just make my own sticker for the car. I sure as hell am not going to buy a plate, put money in their hat, and then rework it to suit my thoughts. Yeah, instead I will just make my own sticker and see how long it lasts on my window. The Righties hate to have their stuff messed with!! tee hee


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