Sunday, December 17, 2006

scary...funny...ok mostly scary

So, it's early morning, oh about 4:15 am, and my girl goes "Do you hear all those doors slamming? I'm going to be the only kid in the neighborhood without a Wii this Christmas!"

Now I know some questions are running through your head right now:

  • Why is the elusive Nintendo Wii the topic of conversation at 4:15 in the morning?

  • Does your girl frequently just start talking to you in the middle of sleep?

  • Why do two 40-yr-old childless women even want the new gaming system?

Well, some questions are never meant to be comes the scary part:

The slamming of doors was a number of police cars next door because the house next door, whose owners are on holiday break, got broken into!! They busted open the front door and got in, but something spooked them and they ran off!

Guess who shined up the Crime Prevention signs in the front and back yard and changed the battery in the alarm system today?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OMG!! Pretty scary! But not as scary as the B Spears thing! I could have gone my whole life without seeing THAT!!! BH