Sunday, August 05, 2007

GOP Debate

The GOP held a debate today in Iowa. All the hopefuls gathered in the Midwest to plead their case, grease the wheels and overall bash the Dems at every turn. Figures that they would spend the time attacking us. Only 19% of Iowans polled were happy with the Republican choices for the primary. I think they are pretty disgusted with themselves, frankly.

Here is THE most interesting point regarding the debates for me. They were held on a major network which is fine. They were moderated by a notable political person, George Stephanopoulos, fine. They were held in Iowa, of course, fine.

Now here is the odd part:

It was held on Sunday morning at 9am!!!
Don't you find it strange that the Party of Jesus chose to have what should be a very important debate, on the Sabbath during Sunday School?
If you want my opinion, (and my opinion is queen at this site!!:) ) I think they were banking on the fact that most constituents WOULD be at church and therefore miss the meat of the debate, thereby relying on the highlights to form their opinions. OR they really thought voters think so highly of those running, they would stay home, thus leaving halls of worship to look like this:
Oooo! Here is a great question---How many candidates turned down the debate due to a "schedule conflict"? Let's Anyone? Anyone? (cue the crickets)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is so odd. Sunday seems like a very strange choice.... and in the morning. Weird. bh