I know, I know...you are saying "WTF?!" where did that come from? She hasn't even mentioned him at all---ever! Well, you are right, but today I heard the incredible news that changed my mind and gave me someone to root for and someone who actually makes me feel good about casting a vote.
Can you come up with another name in the running that has the balls to do this?! Me neither. No other front runner has had the courage to entertain it much less actually draw up the resolution and present it to the floor. Bravo! To hell with having the first woman president, or having the first black president, how about a president that isn't afraid to use the pair God gave them or at least grow a pair!
I think that the primaries are the one time that you can let your little voting light shine. You get to make your voice heard for the little guy. After the nominations are announced, you have a limited number of choices for your vote. I have no idea who I will be behind once the primaries are over, but right now I'm going for Dennis.
Now here is what needs to happen, my minions, you need to write/contact your Reps and make sure they vote for this resolution. Let them know you are in favor of some action, any action, that would show someone else besides you and I care about the misdoings of this criminal administration. The link to contact your Representative is in the sidebar to the right. Go on...
I like what he has to say and yes, he has a big pair! RN
He ROCKS! I also liked what he said a few months ago when Melissa Etheridge and LOGO (I think it was LOGO) got the candidates together for a little chat. He was very progressive and seemed very open-minded. I even commented to CS that I really liked what he said.... bh
Kuchinic is a very sweet man. He wants us all to hug and get along. He says he has seen alien space ships. I love him but the real fuzzy warmth comes from one of the most beautiful red headed green eyed wife he is married to. Gotta see her. Impeach Cheney!! I am getting posters to put up at my alma mater this week. I think moveon.org is sending them or the same group that sent my Impeach Cheney cap. Google it. Yea!!
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