Sunday, December 23, 2007

It would be great if Christmas would hurry up and get here already! For the last 5 days I have been heard uttering the words, "I just have one more thing to do." The problem with that statement is that I get the one thing done and then 2 or more slip in to take up residency. As of this morning I have vowed to stop watching live television and not look at any sale papers!
I figure if I can sequester myself enough, Christmas will get here and I won't be tempted to go out looking for that "one more thing".
Nevermind the fact that I was fop slapped in the face today for getting shopping done last weekend (late shopping by most standards) when the Best Buy flyer boasted awesome sale prices on things I already bought at full price! So you know me, Scrooge McDuck, I went around getting price matches! (squeaking noise courtesy of my cheeks!)

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