Saturday, May 31, 2008

Lower Your Eyelids to Die with the Sun

Ran across this video a few months ago and can't get the song out of my head. I'm not a big fan of skatboarding, but I am a huge fan of pairing music and pictures/video for stunning effect! Enjoy! (pause the sidebar music)

Friday, May 30, 2008

Jihadist cake cruellers **whachauu!**

The Righties are getting so desperate that they have resorted to picking on poor little Rachel Ray's wardrobe, and gasp! DONUTS! So sad.
Apparently Rachel, in a recent commercial, is wearing a scarf that to warped Republican minds like, Michelle Malkin's, resembles the Palestinian headdresses worn by Arab men in that country, thereby supporting jihad activity. WTF? Who has the time to sit around all day looking for crap like this? Is the Republican party so bored with the prospect of John McCain that they have resorted to tweezing pastry commercials?!

Check out the article on the whole fiasco here. I think it's sad that Dunkin' Donuts caved on this one.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

ride off into the sunset postponed indefinitely

"One of these days, he and I are going to be rocking in chairs in Texas talking about the good old days of his time as the press secretary. And I can assure you, I will feel the same way then that I feel now, that I can say to Scott, job well done." ---Bush on McClellan's resignation

George doesn't like truth-tellers, Scottie.

contract renewals

I think family relationships should come with a yearly contract renewal option. I mean, at any moment friends, lovers, bosses terminate relationships, but families just keep hanging on. Just think of it...
Let's say that this is the year that your family was just awful, drama-filled, unsupportive, bigoted, fill in the blank. Don't you think it would be great to be able to say, "Hey this really isn't working for me. I think I'd like to take a break and we can revisit this relationship next year at the same time and see if either of us missed it"

I think that would be such a great way to either rid yourself of relationships that are just bogging you down, OR it may give you the opportunity to actually appreciate someone in your life after a long separation and break. I guess you'd have to be prepared at any moment for someone to approach you and want a non-renewal. I'm game.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Wowee Wednesday

Jamie Lee Curtis

This week's entry has been pulled from my bag of Wayback Wowees. I have loved Jamie Lee since she made a splash in Trading Places in 1983 and firmly planted herself in my heart with A Fish Called Wanda in 1988.
Now that I am older and can appreciate the fact that women grey at the temples, things start to sag, and let's face it, none of us look the way we did in 1983. On my journey into the greying and sagging, Jamie Lee is along for the ride, showing us that aging is beautiful, and inevitable. Now if I could just pull off wearing that hairdo!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

take notes Tim Russert: this is how you grill

Last week Ellen announced that she and Portia are getting hitched this summer. Here is the clip if you missed that post. We'll talk about you missing class later...

It's cute everytime you see it, right? Love love love it!
So, now let's turn our attention to the dictionary for just a minute (calm down Bren!)
Class, (tap tap) today's word is 'uncomfortable'
1.causing discomfort or distress; painful; irritating. a state of discomfort; uneasy; conscious of stress or strain.

I don't know about you, but I learn better when there is a picture or video in conjunction with words, so let's take a look at the very definition of uncomfortable in video form:

If you needed any further proof that John McCain is not presidential material, I hope this fixes you right up. On one hand I have to congratulate him for booking on a show that is clearly not his base of voters, but on the other couldn't he have handled it a bit less stiffly and without looking like he was going to blow his top at any second? I mean he had to know this was bound to come up as a topic. He truly looked pissed a few times and I, for one, have had enough of the Mad Cowboy antics in my lifetime already.

Great job Ellen! Way to stay on topic, way to defend our rights and way to handle yourself in a respectable manner, as usual! Love that girl!

Monday, May 26, 2008

Broadway Monday

The Lion King "THE LION KING is a dramatic adventure story that explores the circle of life: growing up, journeys, parent-child relations, responsibility, stewardship and the connectedness of all things." As I prepare to write about this show, I find that it is almost impossible to accurately describe every exquisite detail and every flooding emotion that this show delivers from the stage. The detail, beauty, planning and overall love required to pull off this show is amazing.
I loved the animated version of this story when it came out in movie theaters, but I had no idea that the night I saw it on the Broadway stage would forever change my mental picture of this classic story of the circle of life. The genius that is Julie Taymor brought this production to life and garnered multiple Tony Awards including Best Musical and Best Costume Design.
This show was my first Broadway show, on my first trip to New York. Wow what a way to start a love affair with Broadway and New York City! The opening number of The Lion King knocks the audience members over like a ton of bricks as it encompasses the entire theatre and grabs each patron by the heart. Tears can't help but fall. Pause the sidebar music and have a look for yourself:

Friday, May 23, 2008

music to check out

I don't know how all of you feel, but I have long been disgusted/disappointed/bored with the state of music from America. Frankly, we are stuck in a rut. I've heard very little from our shores that inspires, much less moves me to purchase. Even Madonna's latest is pretty mundane and boring. I know. Don't worry I just slapped myself for you.

Luckily, I have XM Radio which carries the channel UPOP, music from across the pond, and I am able to get a feel for what they are doing over there musically. I am also in search of someone to fill Amy Winehouse's show since she can't seem to get her act together. I also watch NewNowNext on LOGO and occasionally, very occasionally, they will play a gem. So, blah blah blah...

Here are three ladies worth a closer look. Let's see if you can shake the earworms they give you!?? Pause the sidebar player and enjoy.
"Mercy" by Duffy

"Chasing Pavements" by Adele

"Where I Stood" by Missy Higgins

Thursday, May 22, 2008

From the man who redefined the word "irresponsible" comes this gem

Almost 8 years later it is still just unbelievable that this idiot is in charge of our laws and overall future. How long will it take to unravel his mess?

Here's what I think is irresponsible, George: letting any sentence accusing someone/something of being irresponsible pass your lips while we all suffer daily for your decisions based on greed, the need to feel good amongst the boys, and lies. fucker.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Wowee Wednesday

Jackie Warner

If you're currently watching Bravo's Workout starring Jackie Warner, then you know what I mean when I say it's an hour of drama-laden reality TV that is most definitely a guilty pleasure, but one you aren't able to tear yourself away from easily! If you have managed to skip this one so far, you are crazy because Jackie is hawwt! Get yourself to a TV!

This week's choice gives a little peek into my penchant for strong, blonde, bossy girls...ahem.
Although the drama surrounding the launch of this year's show made me threaten to stop watching, Jackie managed to reign in the theatrics and get down to what she does best which is train and transform lives. When watching her direct a boot camp, you get the feeling that she likes making her clients hate her even if it's just for the 60 minutes of training. Ultimately, she cares, and loves them all. But she loves being the Power Bitch!So if you like good-looking, in-shape, reality television, with a splash of lesbian, and who doesn't, then tune in to Bravo, Tuesdays at 9pm.

If you'd like to have your ass kicked for real, you can do that too for a paltry $6000!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

equality in CA

What a thrill it is to see these two declare their engagement and impending nuptials!

I've been a fan of them both for a long time, so when they hooked up it was such an exciting thing. We, the gays, have such a lack of good role models as far as celebrities are concerned, and so when a couple stays together for longer than three years it's a good thing. So now we've got Ellen & Portia, Rosie & Kelly, Melissa & Tammy, me & my lovely... :)

How adorable is Portia in this clip?!

Monday, May 19, 2008

Broadway Monday

The Drowsy Chaperone

In 2006, one of the most creative shows to hit the Great White Way debuted much to the delight of theatre lovers smart enough to grab a seat!

"It all begins when a die-hard musical-theatre fan plays his favorite cast album on his turntable, and the musical literally bursts to life in his living room, telling the rambunctious tale of a brazen Broadway starlet trying to find, and keep, her true love."

We were fortunate enough to see this wonderfully hilarious and creative show last year during a matinee. Those 5th row tickets provided us not only with the pleasure of getting to see this show, but also a respite from the 90 degree heatwave that consumed the city that weekend! We walked away with great memories, catchy tunes, lots of laughs and the most expensive air conditioning ever purchased! Totally worth every penny!

Drowsy won 5 Tony Awards including Best Music, Best Book, and Best Featured Actress and the Drama Desk Award for Best Musical. The show closed on Broadway this year, but is currently touring the US. Raise your hand if you're going!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Keith Olbermann is my new boyfriend!

I've been staying away from the political talk lately because, well, because I'm tired of it all frankly. I can't bring myself to run after every little mudsling that comprises our current primary situation. It is becoming clear that I am going to have to get behind Barack Obama as our Democratic candidate, so there is no use in falling into the fray of silliness. I'm just patiently awaiting June 3rd when this is supposed to be over. tick tock.

Now, I must send a shout out/holla/howdoyoudo to Allyson for sending me this link of Keith Olbermann's 12 minute rant on dear ole' George. Thank you thank you thank you thank you! Absolutely made my day!

Okay, so everybody pause the sidebar music, sit back and relax as Keith says everything we have all been thinking and wish we could say to the Buffoon in Chief ourselves:

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wowee Wednesday

Jennifer Garner

I could go on a lengthy monologue exhalting the beauty and joy which is Jennifer Garner, but instead I will just let these pics do the job. Again here I go with the beautiful/cute girl next door as my choice for today. I sense a trend.

And now for an extra little treat, take a look at this clip from Alias and you'll understand why I never missed being in my seat Sundays at 9pm. Oh Sydney Bristow...we miss you, and your ass-kicking ways so. Don't forget to stop the player on the sidebar, and enjoy!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

I have come up with the ultimate solution to the annoyances that are our neighbors. Let me introduce:

To the west we have a house full of oversexed, overdrugged, spoiled rotten, clueless, Beemer driving underachievers referred to as the Asses Next Door. We are in the midst of the second full year of loud parties, comings and goings accompanied by car alarms, door slamming, and the occasional running over of the recycle bins all around 3am on weeknights.


And in the eastern corner we have the somewhat kooky cat lady. She is a "rescuer" of felines and canines alike although the rescuing should be for all of us in the neighborhood. Rescued from her endless supply of cats that roam the neighborhood terrorizing the bird feeders and shitting in the flower beds that apparently seem like great big litter boxes. Rescued from her dogs that stand at the back door and bark incessantly either to come in, or what I thought I heard the other day, "help me."


With this little setup in place, I think we can officially say that I have crossed over into the realm of crotchety neighbor lady, sometimes referred to by her partner as Gladys Kravitz or Miss Pruett.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Broadway Monday

The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee In April of 2005 the quirky little show with the long name opened at the Circle on the Square Theatre on Broadway to rave reviews. A-C-C-O-L-A-D-E-S was the next word used to describe the show as it won two Tony Awards for Best Book of a Musical and Best Featured Actor in 2005. It seemed that the little show with the small set, no intermission, and ultimately a lesson for life was here to stay!

This hilarious tale of 6 overachievers and the angst they experience competing for the spelling championship of a lifetime became the unlikeliest of hit musicals about the unlikeliest of heroes: "a quirky yet charming set of outsiders for whom a spelling bee is the one place where they can stand out and fit in at the same time."

The Bee ended it's run in January 2008, but left us all with the great lesson that winning isn't everything, and losing doesn't necessarily make you a loser. Definitely one of my favorites!

Olive Ostrovsky prepares to sing "My Friend, the Dictionary"

We picked up this show last May and have been singing the score ever since! The evening was particularly eventful for us because Bill and Chelsea Clinton and Hillary's mom were in the audience! What a treat! I nearly broke my arm to get a few very blurry pictures off before the ushers started screaming at everyone! I have often thought of this night as a two-for-one show since I spent a large majority of my time looking over to catch their reaction to certain jokes. How very distracting it is to be in the same room with someone you admire and respect while they just do normal stuff like watch a play with their family. It was just weird! And by weired I mean cool.

Thursday, May 08, 2008

pick me! pick me!

While catching up with all the things going on in the lives of the bloggers I follow, I had a vision:

a vast canvas of bloggers, all different types and styles, each one making their own noise, hoping their voice will be heard over all others. Kind of like trying to be the loudest puppy in a new litter. Hoping someone will hear!

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Wowee Wednesday

Welcome to the first installment of Wowee Wednesday, my tribute to the lovely ladies that inhabit my brain, and occasionally my dreams. Oh come have dreamed of the unattainable before...don't look at me like that!

What some of you don't know is that #1 I am a lesbian and #2 my obsession with hot ladies goes way back. I mean like waaay back. Old school...Kristy McNicol...Nancy McKeon...Jodie Foster.....I see you smiling.

So sit back and enjoy. You may be surprised eventually to see who I think is hot, not just on the outside either.
Julia Roberts

Since I first saw her in Steel Magnolias I have not been able to tear myself away from anything involving Julia Roberts. In addition to being a stupendous actor, she embodies the very essence of Hollywood glamour on one hand while maintaining the beautiful girl next door attributes that made most of America fall for her as well. I almost feel like pledging my never ending allegiance is overstating the obvious, then I have to remember that not everyone feels the same. Meh. I think she is beautiful, funny, and talented. Wowee.
My favorite works:
Notting Hill
Runaway Bride
Pretty Woman
Steel Magnolias
My Best Friend's Wedding
Erin Brockovich
Charlie Wilson's War

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

my daily first stop

My favorite blogger, my blogging idol, the woman I hope to be when I grow up, Heather Armstrong, is going to be on The Today Show tomorrow and most likely Good Morning America sometime this week. She will be talking about her success as a Mommy Blogger (Mother's Day is coming!) and most likely will be plugging her new book that dropped this week.
Now that she is breaking out, I want it on the record that I have been reading Heather's blog, dooce for quite some time. She has a great sense of humor, great style, and has figured out how to provide for her family via the blogosphere. I think it's great! I laugh everyday when I read her posts. She has taught me that we all take ourselves way too seriously and need to laugh at ourselves more. Stop over and check out her site.

Monday, May 05, 2008

Broadway Monday

Welcome to the first of a recurring weekly series called "Broadway Monday".

You all know my love for the Great White Way, right? So I decided as a treat to myself, and to give my site a little bit more structure, I am incorporating something that aims to both delight (me) and enlighten (you). To be fair, if this goes as I plan, I will be as equally enlightened as you, in finding out more about shows that are new or new to you, old, running, closed, and in preview. Because Broadway is traditionally "dark" on Mondays, I feel it only right to do my part to keep the theatres in the thoughts and minds of my faithful clan. My plan is to always have the music selection for the post come from the featured show which will tickle me beyond measure. I am most excited about this part because I have come to realize that showtunes are continually running through my brain, and I have been know to just burst out in a song that seems appropriate to the topic of conversation! My lovely mockingly asked the other day "Your life is a Broadway show isn't it?" Yes. Yes it is.

So sit back and enjoy. I'd love some feedback too!


A Chorus Line

In an empty theatre, on a bare stage, casting for a new Broadway musical is almost complete. For 17 dancers, this audition is the one opportunity to do what they've always dreamed of. Not to be the star, but to get the job … to have the chance to dance and come through.

This is A Chorus Line, the musical for everyone who's ever had a dream and put it all on the line.



We were fortunate enough to pick up tickets to the 2006 revival of this classic show during our last trip to NYC in March. Our friend Nick Adams currently stars in the role of Larry, and did a mighty fine job!

The original show opened in 1975, won 9 Tony Awards in 1976 and ran for 15 years on Broadway at the Shubert Theatre becoming the longest running American musical in history. It has become a classic that defines the struggles of dancers fighting to win a spot on the Broadway stage. Classic show, timely and relevant topic that is most likely playing out in real life right now as you read this!

Watch a great commercial featuring some of the cast we saw this March.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Is it so wrong?

I am beginning to question my humanity as I play God of War II. I actually chucked as my character ripped of an enemy's arm and beat him with it. Is there any greater humiliation? Having your appendage ripped off then beaten with said appendage? Yikes! chuckle.

She is lost in Rapture

I have lured my lovely into the world of Bioshock...

I am endlessly delighted and giggly as she squeals when a Big Daddy lumbers into the room!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Mystery Solved!

I believe I have found the source of many sleepless nights in hotels all across the nation!

Bed Jumping! The Internet is a quirky wonderful thing.