Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Wowee Wednesday

Portia de Rossi
I have had a secret little crush on Portia since her Ally McBeal days. Maybe it was the character. Maybe it was the way whenever she walked in the room everyone seemed to snap to attention, and seem a bit scared because she was so on her game at all times. Here we go with the strong, smart woman type again...
Oh, I remember why, yeah, she's just beautiful!
I was thrilled every week to see her on Arrested Development, an under appreciated thus cancelled show, as the not so bright, but lovable Lindsay. I was floored, like most, to find out that Portia was not only on my team, but dating the captain! Then, she tops it off by joining the cast of Nip/Tuck as a lesbian! Heaven!
Couldn't resist making Portia the Wowee this week when it only seemed right to pair her with last week's pick, Ellen. I mean, Portia is a Wowee all on her own, and as a pair she and Ellen are a Wowee Couple. I smell a new feature?...
Plus, this gave me the chance to squeel about Portia and Ellen's wedding last weekend. I know, paparazzi pics, but don't they look just beautiful?


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful couple!!! Kind of like my friends - J & C! bh

Anonymous said...

They are really beautiful together. I'm a big fan of both of them. :)