Thursday, February 12, 2009


This week I had the pleasure of discovering the joys of internet radio. Now before you call me Granny and wonder where I keep the rock my head has been under, let me explain.
Not just any internet radio, no no, Pandora Radio (angels sing)
I took the time to play with the new app on my iPhone and let me just exclaim IT IS FREAKIN' AWESOME!

In a nutshell, I can enter an artist that I enjoy and this app will begin to play song after song that fits the sound/style/demeanor/feel of the original artist I entered. This new found toy has afforded me two things:
1. I am enjoying a new, cheap piece of technology which excites me more than it probably should, but I am a sucker for something new and fresh and cheap. Not an easy combo to find!

2. It has made it easy for me to hear new and different music that I don't get exposed to normally. So look out. My blog music is about to get interesting-er.

1 comment:

Bren B said...

iTunes has Genius which puts together playlist using your own music. It is a quick way to make playlists that are AWESOME! It reminds me of Pandora except, of course, it uses your music. FYI. :)