Three interlocking, but independent comedies show the same story — Norman attempts a tryst with his wife's sister in the family's country home — from three different perspectives: the things that happen in the dining room, the things that happen in the living room and the things that happen in the garden.
This unique spin on what is most likely a somewhat common event is brought to life by the fact that it is viewed by the audience from three different perspectives. Norman's attempts are given life from three vantage points and new details unfold in each setting giving life to the storyline. Adding to the intrigue for the audience is that you can: see one of the plays, all three of the plays at different showtimes/days, or put your sittin' muscle through it's paces and attend the marathon which runs on Saturdays and Sundays. That's over six hours of theatre goodness in one day starting at 11:30, 3:30 and 8:00. Just enough time in between shows to catch a bite and a cup of coffee. What a genius idea!
The Norman Conquests was written by Alan Ayckbourn and directed by Matthew Warchus. The trilogy was nominated for seven Tony Awards and garnered the statue for Best Revival of a Play.
The Norman Conquests opened at the Circle in the Square Theatre on April 11, 2009 and will close July 29, 2009.
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