Monday, October 09, 2006

Stephanie J. Block

Did you hear squeals of joy in the universe last Friday resonating from the Chicago Theatre District? Well, it was late and we were in another time're off the hook.
We saw a spectacular preview of The Pirate Queen in Chicago Friday and I can hardly contain myself with excitement for how wonderful the show is already. The cast, the music, the dancing...sigh.

As you may recall from earlier postings, we had the great fortune of landing second row seats to the fourth performance in previews, and normally the fact that the group only had a few runs under their belt would scare me, but there was nothing to be afraid of! As expected, this beautiful story of one very strong woman's struggle to make her place in life and history was spectacularly brought to life by my BFF, Stephanie J. Block

How often does someone famous actually recognize you by name, give you genuine enveloping hugs and thanks you profusely for supporting her career? This woman is wonderful and I think I love her...yep, I do! I mean just take a look at this reception we received:

Soooo looking forward to following this to Broadway and about to pee my pants for the cast recording! Stay tuned...I'm positive I'm not through gushing!


Anonymous said...

Hey Blockhead!!! I think she loves you too!!! That is one of the best pictures EVER! bh

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great time and I thinks she does love you too!