Sunday, December 30, 2007
"I am not consumed by personal ambition,"
Maybe I am. But, these events have made me think about the adversity that greets those who want to affect change. Just take a moment to think of those in history that have been assassinated. Lincoln, Kennedy, King, just makes me sad that another voice has been silenced, and worried for those who are still brave enough to speak for what is right.
I know that Bhutto's administration wasn't perfect. No politician, no matter where in the world, is perfect and clean. I think what matters is the intention. What are the intentions of our current leaders vs. the intentions of those willing to bring about change?
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Most look at the footage of the streets of Karachi and Rawalpindi and think that "those people are savages" and "uncivilized". I hear it uttered. You know you have too.
I submit another vision of the passionate demonstrations in Pakistan:
These people actually care about what is going on in their country. They want their voices to be heard. They realize the injustice that has been thrust upon them, and they need to let everyone know that they care.
They may be destroying millions of dollars in property, some lives are being lost, and ultimately nothing will bring their martyred leader back, but when the dust settles the people of Pakistan can feel proud of the fact that they spoke out and voiced their grief, outrage and concern.
It's more than I can say for those of us here in the Good Ole' US of A. If something like that were to happen here, we'd be in crisis over whether to tear ourselves away from Fox News or possibly miss American Idol or America's Next Fattest Fatty.
I also found it comforting to know that John Edwards immediately made a phone call to Musharraf himself to urge the dictator to go ahead with the elections planned for January 8th. Nice touch. Also seen coming from a mile away was Rudy's brisk comments regarding the events. Surprise, surprise, he wasted no time linking extremism, terrorism, and 9/11 to this event thereby making him the best candidate with the biggest penis, er... I mean toughest stance on terror.
In the meantime, not many are reporting on Republican frontrunner Mike Huckabee's reaction to Bhutto's death. This guy is a buffoon on foreign policy. Maybe that is why he is the GOP frontrunner...hmmm. Watch his reaction to Benazir's death.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Benazir Bhutto 1953-2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
modern day mix tape
It's my birthday. For the most part birthdays, especially my own, don't get me all giddy inside. I'm not the sort to walk around in anticipation the entire day hoping for a big surprise, or become crestfallen when none surface. I'm pretty low maintenance when it comes to my "special day" don't worry. I make up for it in other areas!
My girl knows this about me, but still manages to blow me away via the most simple tried and true method---music. It gets me everytime.
We've been together for almost 15 years. Back in the day, a part of our courtship included mix tapes. Remember those? As time and technology progressed our love letters moved to CD's. We've got many versions for many occasions. Music is a big part of our lives together.
I'm saying all that to say this: I'm sitting here since 5:15 am alone with my birthday present from my girl. A new iPhone. The box said to "hit the button and follow the instructions" What has happened in the last 45 minutes has to be one of the best ways to start any day, not to mention a birthday: a cavalcade of love songs that have made me bawl like a baby, laugh, and thank God I found her.
modern day mix tape.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
missed it by that much
I mean read the headlines. Joe Lieberman, Al Gore's running-mate in 2000, has turned out to be a hard core Republican even though he insists he's an independent. He is set to endorse John McCain today for goodness sake!
Now that I think about it, today's announcement from Joe shouldn't really surprise me so much since my impressions of both Joe and John McCain are similar in nature. They are both like farts in a never know which way they will go.
Sunday, December 16, 2007
The Law of Attraction
Practicing the Law of Attraction, we devised a list of who would move in across from us and help keep our street cohesive (read: quiet, old, quiet, responsible, and quiet):
- retired, or empty-nesters
- a gay, male couple
- middle-aged
- childless
- big, burly, take-no-shit-retired policeman (to help with the doofs beside us)
Now, stand in amazement as I describe our new neighbors that will be moving into the house across the street from us in February:
- retired Navy Officer and his partner, Monroe
- a gay, male couple
- both appear to be in their 50's
- no children, two Boston Terriers
- average sized, but most likely knows how to be a no-shit-taker when needed being as he's retired Navy
People! I am not kidding you on this! I keep looking out the window to make sure "Monroe" is really a guy and not just a burly girl, (although that would work too!) but since Monroe has a beard, I'm guessing we are good on the guy part! This stuff works! We got exactly what we wished for!!
So here is proof that "The Secret" works! The Law of Attraction works! Quantum Physics works!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Cinderella dressed in yella,went upstairs...
Just when I think I'm ready to say something, the headline changes and sometimes my mind changes. One thing that hasn't changed this week is the glaring evidence that we are just too damn focused on a candidate's religion. Jeeez! I'm so sick of reading/hearing about a candidate's faith. Good Lord! Does anyone remember the idea of separation of church and state? It seems to me that we've forgotten all about it in the last several years because the line has been completely erased. So this kind of behavior is just status quo.
If we're going to focus so much on the topic of a candidate's religion, let's keep in mind what that has gotten us in recent years. We've got a Supreme Court stacked with wingnuts, James Dobson roaming the halls of the west wing, and a president who most likely hides his coke vials in a secret compartment of his Bible, all the while hiding behind the cloak of religion. Walk the walk, big boy!
Friday, December 07, 2007
I'll take it
Thursday, December 06, 2007
heads up
I'm just sayin'.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Zombies vanquished...I think...
So with that, let me get right to the stupidity that is our president and his awesome press conference yesterday regarding Iran and the National Intelligence Estimate findings:
"Nothing has changed in this NIE that says, `OK, why don't we just stop worrying about it?' Quite the contrary. I think the NIE makes it clear that Iran needs to be taken seriously as a threat to peace," Bush said. "My opinion hasn't changed."
So basically what this idiot is preaching is that the NIE is a load of crap because it doesn't come to the war drum, pick up a stick, and join the beating. We're supposed to believe him? Haven't we heard this song before? I know it's lame duck time, but this bunch needs to get a new bag of tricks. I'm bored.
Meanwhile, the new sweetheart of the GOP seems to be as equally informed on the subject of Iran. Hey Mikey! You might want to pick up a paper now and then or at least eavesdrop in the halls of Washington.