Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Ding Dong Delay is Dead

What a day!
I wake up this morning to the wonderful news that the University of Florida Men's Basketball team is the new NCAA National Champion! Couldn't get any better right?

Oh no! It's Two for Tuesday, my friend!
Tom Delay is resigning from Congress!
Glory be!
In his off camera interview with Chris Matthews(idiot), Delay said this, among many other gems:

"I look forward to traveling the country and listening to conservatives, helping grassroots leaders to develop a unifying agenda and a strategy to enact it, to learn from past setbacks and build on our successes."
In other words, he plans on holding more Justice Sundays and relocating to Virginia where he can hang his head in shame far from the overly redistricted state of Texas.

"The Abramoff affair has nothing to do with me."
Not yet, but can you hear them nipping at your heels? All of your aides are dropping like flies, and pleading guilty. I'm sure they will do all they can to protect you...right.

Today was a good day.

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