Monday, June 26, 2006

**I've been saving this draft for a few weeks, trying to tweak it for whatever reason. I think I'm hesitant to expose my league of followers to this evil being. These signs make me sick and mad. Judy Shepherd must feel horrible when she sees this idiot use Matthew's picture. I do.
So this draft is a bit old, but nonetheless timely. It's always the right time to speak up against bigotry and hate.**

Notice how quickly Bush jumps on this atrocity when it involves boosting his sagging poll numbers. Everyone thinks that this bill is long overdue when they hear that a crazy pastor and his equally crazy church in Kansas is protesting at funerals of war dead.

Even crazier is the fact that this bunch of loons has somehow managed to correlate these war dead with God's disdain for the homosexual lifestyle and America's tolerance for gays.
I agree completely that this is pathetic, disgusting, despicable, and really reaching to make a point. What I don't agree with is that it took officials this long to put a stop to protesting at funerals. This isn't Westboro Baptist Church's first attempt to garner the spotlight with outlandish behavior. Ever see the signs in this post? Wonder where they originated?
This group of "Christians" protested at Matthew Shepherd's funeral and then went on to stage protests at many AIDS victims funerals. Absolutely disgusting and the complete opposite of Christ, but that doesn't warrant any special legislation.

Seeing as we just had Memorial Day, Bush probably figured it was a good time to score some points with those parents who are trying to bury their children. That, and the fact that he already had an ax to grind with this guy. tsk tsk...Leave the Holy First Lady out of this...

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