If you're currently watching Bravo's Workout starring Jackie Warner, then you know what I mean when I say it's an hour of drama-laden reality TV that is most definitely a guilty pleasure, but one you aren't able to tear yourself away from easily! If you have managed to skip this one so far, you are crazy because Jackie is hawwt! Get yourself to a TV!
This week's choice gives a little peek into my penchant for strong, blonde, bossy girls...ahem.
Although the drama surrounding the launch of this year's show made me threaten to stop watching, Jackie managed to reign in the theatrics and get down to what she does best which is train and transform lives. When watching her direct a boot camp, you get the feeling that she likes making her clients hate her even if it's just for the 60 minutes of training. Ultimately, she cares, and loves them all. But she loves being the Power Bitch!
So if you like good-looking, in-shape, reality television, with a splash of lesbian, and who doesn't, then tune in to Bravo, Tuesdays at 9pm.
If you'd like to have your ass kicked for real, you can do that too for a paltry $6000!
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