Tuesday, May 09, 2006

it's a bird, it's a plane, it's the Geek Squad!!

I haven't been able to post lately...not for lack of compelling topics, but because we have had computer trouble! Well, troubles be gone! The Geek Squad from Best Buy came to our rescue!

Here's how it went down:

11:00 am--- called Best Buy
11:40 am---Jo, the Geek showed up in our driveway (yes, the same day!)
1:00 pm---Jo, the Geek left our residence (yes, the same day!)
1:01 pm---we danced furiously and deleriously into ze night!

Absolutely the best money EVER spent on computer repair! (BIG PLUG FOR BEST BUY AND THE GEEK SQUAD)
Can you hear my new 250GB hard drive and wireless network of three CPUs and a wireless printer humming at your house? :)

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