Dionysus is a young god, angry that his mortal family has denied him a place of honor as a deity. His mother was a mistress of Zeus, and while pregnant she was killed because she looked upon Zeus in his divine form. Much of the family refuses to believe that Dionysus is the son of Zeus, and the young god is spurned in his home.
He has traveled the world over gathering a cult of female worshippers, The Bacchae.
As the play begins Dionysus has returned to his home disguised as a stranger, ready to take revenge on his family. He has driven the women of Thebes into an ecstatic frenzy, much to the horror of their families. Complicating matters, his cousin, King Pentheus, has declared a ban on the worship of Dionysus throughout Thebes.
This Greek tragedy is based on the mythological story of King Pentheus of Thebes and his mother Agavë, and their punishment by the god Dionysus for refusing to worship him. It is the classic story about what happens when a government attempts to outlaw desire.
Euripides' tragedy marks the fourth time a Greek work has been presented by The Public Theater's Shakespeare in the Park, following Electra (1964), Agamemnon (1977) and Medea (1986). Performances of Shakespeare in the Park are Tuesday-Sunday at 8 PM at the beautiful Delacorte Theatre in Central Park.
Before I could get this up for today, the show announced it's closing for August 30th. Performances ran August 24th through the 30th not including previews. I hope you were lucky enough to have scored tickets!
I by no means assume I have a bevy of readers, anyone really cares about what I have to say, or that I make a difference in the blogosphere. I created this blog as an outlet for my frustrations with our political landscape, frustrations with others around me, and generally my frustrations with myself. I think it has helped. For the most part, I know I can come to my keyboard and let it all fly out of my fingertips. Good, bad, ugly, mundane, exciting, repetitive, blood, sweat, and tears. My regular readers will agree that I have been known to say unpopular thoughts decorated with the occasional f-bomb. My disdain for George W. Bush and love for Barack Obama are no secret. I think Ronald Reagan was a joke and Bill Clinton (although he disappointed me) is a stellar humanitarian. In other words, my political views are right out there for everyone to see. All that being said, I find it hysterical that I received a rather rude, if not to the point anonymous comment on this blog yesterday. Was it for bashing Sarah Palin? Was it for last November's Wowee Wednesday? Was it for my shaky foray into live blogging the Presidential debates? Maybe it was the Bush/McClellan lovefest... Nope. It was apparently because my dad helped us remodel our upstairs bathroom two years ago. How dare I. I do not want to draw attention to bad behavior, but somehow this poor person is equating a father helping his daughter with welfare. Sounds like a frustrated conservative. Maybe they should start a blog.
To the Einstein who shot off fireworks this morning at 1:30 am:
Thank you for scaring my neurotic dog so much that she ran upstairs and peed in the hall. I love to clean up pee in the middle of the night. I wasn't fond of that REM sleep anyway and my burning eyeballs accompanied by a nice set of baggage is a great reminder of how much we love it when UF starts the Fall semester.
Alicia Silverstone So now that Alicia Silverstone is an adult is it okay to think she is hot? Am I officially not "robbing the cradle" anymore? Thank you.
Alicia has been in several teen targeted movies that ran in the 90's including Clueless, The Crush, and Batman and Robin (who knew a rubber batsuit could look so good?)
Like most, I began drooling over Alicia when she debuted in the Aerosmith video "Cryin'" There was just something about her badass attitude I enjoyed, and that little crooked smile/smirk didn't hurt either!
Good Morning Everyone! I am fresh off a plane and honestly have not had time to write today's Broadway Monday because I was too busy living Broadway Thursday-Sunday! For those of you worried if the Great White Way is doing okay during this oppressively hot summer of economic recession the answer is YES! The streets and theatres were packed and patrons were having a great time! New York City is definitely doing it's part to help us all recover! Broadway Monday will be back next week! Thanks for checking in!
Oh Joan...the hours I spent staring at this album cover...intrigued by your "bad girl" vibe, tough-as-nails smirk, and "I-don't-give-a-shit" attitude. In some ways you formed the aura for my teenage years.
OK, so I wasn't a bad girl, tough-as-nails, and I actually gave a shit, but I could at least pretend and hope a little when Joan was involved.
I'm quite sure my affinity for hot women playing electric guitars started right here! Let's be honest, acoustic guitars are nice, but a girl wielding an electric axe is just hot. Joan Jett wielding and electric guitar is hot AND cool!
Currently in production is the new film "The Runaways" which chronicles the rise and fall of The Runaways, the band that first introduced us to Joan and rocked the music world as the first successful female rock band. Talk about badass confidence! It will be interesting to see how this is replayed on the big screen:
Who knew that at nearly 50 Joan Jett would look this good? Holy smokes! I guess that's what vegetarian, big-D Democratic living will do for you! That, and I'm sure still rocking it out harder than ever doesn't hurt either! Whatever it is, keep doing it Joan! My 14-yr-old self is still yearning to be a badass!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Dying sucks. No great revelation there. People die all the time and it's sad, but there is something extra sad when an animal dies. Maybe I feel that way because one of my best relationships is with my dog. We spend most of our week dealing with humans, but on Fridays we get to care for animals and it is our favorite day. Our animal patients are appreciative, responsive and compliant. Plus, they are always happy to see us. Two separate phone calls yesterday delivered the news that we had lost two patients very unexpectedly and tragically. It's like we lost our own dogs. There are three parents waking up this morning to quiet houses very sad, and very lost. The space and loss left by the passing of a pet is directly proportional to the joy they bring us daily. It just stinks that after all that joy, is so much pain and sadness.
In the Next Room (or the vibrator play) illuminates the lives of six lonely people seeking relief from a local doctor—but, despite his expertise with a strange new technology, all they really need is intimacy. It’s a tender tale that takes place in the twilight of the Victorian age, an elegant comedy lit by unexpected sparks from the approaching era of electricity, equality, science and sexuality.
So. A play about vibrators. Hmmm..how do I feel about that... AWESOME!!!!
There is great buzz about this play making it's way to Broadway this year. I can only assume the houses will be full of curious women and men who can't escape the pull of the title. I mean really. I'll go see it simply from the curiosity standpoint! The second thing that intrigues me about this show is that it's not set in the modern day as one would expect. It's set in the 19th century when people didn't talk about sex much less pleasuring oneself! I adore the juxtaposition of the topic versus the laced-up stodgy era in which it's taking place. Oh! Did I mention there is a little lesbian/girl-crush action sprinkled in for good measure?!
The characters reveal their inadequacies in both relationships and knowledge of their bodies and in the process come to terms with their own shortcomings and narrow-mindedness. I said this was a period piece, right? Right. I can already see the time traveling parallels being drawn.
I think it is an interesting presentation twist on a common topic and may very well be the vehicle that propels playwright Sarah Ruhl a bit closer to the stratosphere.
In the Next Room (or the vibrator play) opens on Broadway at the Lyceum Theatre at Lincoln Center. Run time is scheduled for November 19, 2009-January 10, 2010.
I'm so frustrated about the health care debate, or lack thereof. I should say instead that a debate on health care is trying to occur but some loudmouthed, fear mongering, flag-waving nationalists are hijacking the effort. I follow a few politicos on Twitter and have been keeping up with how their town hall meetings have been going in the last few weeks. It seems to me that the few minutes of outrage (fake or otherwise) is surpassing and overshadowing the progress that is being made during these efforts. Poor Claire McCaskill from Missouri. Prior to her town hall this week I know she was trying to diffuse any possible ruffles by speaking in terms that were extremely inclusive and giving the benefit of the doubt to the rabble rousers. Her efforts were in vain, and the few minutes of turmoil at her meeting were promptly featured on the news. You can feel the frustration in her post to tumblr: "I'm sad that way too much time has been spent on those 3 minutes and not enough time on the other 117minutes." I think that is how most of us feel. The squeaky wheel needs to shut up. If the squeaky wheel had a valid, logical argument then okay! squeak away, but it doesn't and therefore should be banished to the junkyard. When squeaky wheel has a real squeak it may come back. Okay..done with the wheel analogy. And then there is Charles Grassley from Iowa who from one side of his face supports and helped craft the bill, and from the other side of his hypocritical face he says this:
He is even using the very words that the president used in his own town hall meeting earlier this week. Unconscionable and reckless. Grassley's comments came ballsilly (yes I said it) AFTER Obama held his own town hall meeting refuting the "death panel" claims stirred up by that piece of crap that we just can't get off our shoe, Sarah Palin: "Let me just be specific about some things that I've been hearing lately that we just need to dispose of here. The rumor that's been circulating a lot lately is this idea that somehow the House of Representatives voted for "death panels" that will basically pull the plug on grandma because we've decided that we don't -- it's too expensive to let her live anymore. And there are various -- there are some variations on this theme. It turns out that I guess this arose out of a provision in one of the House bills that allowed Medicare to reimburse people for consultations about end-of-life care, setting up living wills, the availability of hospice, etcetera. So the intention of the members of Congress was to give people more information so that they could handle issues of end-of-life care when they're ready, on their own terms. It wasn't forcing anybody to do anything. This is I guess where the rumor came from." It's times like these that show our intelligence. Dissent is patriotic. Freedom of speech is essential. That speech should however, be informed, intelligent and not based on fear and sour grapes.
Now that all the wailing and gnashing of teeth is over, let's celebrate this talented, intelligent woman for her accomplishments and recent swearing in as the first female Supreme Court Justice of Latin persuasion.
Hardly even noticed the fact that she got sworn in, huh? Well, with all the euthanasia and death paneling going on, how were you to know?...
While the protesters marched, the media speculated and urged discontent, and the Confirmation Committee grilled (sometimes rudely) the nominee, Sonia sat firmly and confidently answering each question without falter, rattle or spike in her famous "fiery Latin temper". Well done. Way to stay above the fray. Oh! and she did it all with her leg in a cast.
It was delightful to watch the Republican members of the Confirmation Committee blast full throttle towards Sonia only to be met and diffused by a cool calm demeanor and rational, logical, factual responses. Kill 'em with kindness? Ha! How about flabbergast 'em with facts!
Welcome to the bench, Judge! We look forward to your fresh female face, open ears, bright smile, but most of all your brain.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
After watching this ridiculous clip, I have one question: Has anyone checked this lady's birth certificate, because last I heard aliens from space weren't official citizens. I'm just sayin'...
This sign has nothing to do with the video clip other than it is equally as hilarious. Just had to share because, well it's funny in so many ways! This is the brain trust we are up against people!
Is it any wonder Hill snapped back when a translated question, turned into what her husband, Bill, thought of the topic?
"You want me to tell you what my husband thinks?"
"My husband is not secretary of state, I am"
"If you want my opinion, I will tell you my opinion,"
"I am not going to be channeling my husband."
Taken out of context and forgetting the fact that the poor student's question was translated incorrectly, this interchange looks bad for Hillary to be sure, but it also feeds the Right's need to squash a strong Democratic woman. You know, not at all like the Congo....
Broadway Theatres Focus is generally placed on the shows, the stars, the awards, and the money generated eight times a week in the theatres of Broadway. However, there is a little unsung player of every show that usually goes unnoticed and rarely recognized. The truth is: without the house the show would go on, but would be far less impressive and memorable.
Broadway theatres are absolutely stupendous. Each house is unique, beautiful and full of character all her own. Every house has a different shape, facade, lobby, marquee, smell, feel, decor, seat, vibe, energy and story. Stories that morph and change with each new show.
On my first trip to New York I was so excited to realize that Broadway theatres are, for the most part, small. Sure you can look at a seating chart and sort of envision the arrangement, but it's not until you enter those doors and find your way to your seat that you realize how small the theatre really is, and how easy it will be to see the action no matter where you sit. It is an amazing, exciting revelation.
Recently the smallness of one particular theatre worked against me. I featured Next to Normala couple of month's ago after we saw it in May of this year, but I didn't go into huge detail regarding my actual theatre experience so here goes:
The Booth Theatre is very intimate and just wonderful for an impactful show like Next to Normal. A couple of numbers before intermission, I found myself very overcome with emotion which I had been keeping at bay, but suddenly I needed to be able to catch my breath. I slipped out of my aisle seat and made my way to the lobby very quietly...if I could just make it to the lobby, I thought, I can let out my breath and sob just a little, regain my composure and go back inside. I made it to the lobby door, threw my hands over my face and bawled only to look up and see a lobby full of ushers patiently waiting for intermission to begin, but now staring at me. I felt like a pinball as I turned from wall to door to wall, and back to the door looking for a place to cry all the while trying to deal with the flood of emotion taking over my body. Let me explain further: the lobby is most likely about 30' x 30' with a bar and stairs. Not a big place. Well, here look for yourselves. Here is the door I came out of, the statue I bawled beside, and the bar where an usher kindly fetched me a tissue. Yep, made memories that night for me AND a group of ushers!This time the intimate theatre experience was not on my side. Even after intermission and regaining my composure, I felt like I was the only one in this tiny theatre watching this show. I couldn't get away from the message and meaning the show delivered. Of course most of that event occurred due to an extremely powerful show, but it would never have happened without the theatre. Broadway theatres are an amazing piece of New York architecture that both change yet stay the same as the years go by. Each new show to a theatre brings new life to the building and changes it a little or a lot depending on the show's set of legs. A great example is the beautiful Gershwin Theatre, home to the Tony Award winning musical Wicked, which has completely taken on the feel of the show. Once you hand the usher your ticket, you begin the journey to the Land of Oz.
In contrast, there are theatres that quietly hold the secrets of their show behind a common generic curtain never hinting at what is in store for the warm bodies inhabiting it's velvet seats. Sometimes you never know what's in store for you.
Eight times a week the doors of the theatres close at the same time and silence befalls the little side streets near Times Square. It is such a cool thing to imagine that happening every night at 8pm. I know I'm a dork, but many nights I look at the clock and envision where in the story my favorite shows are at different intervals. There have been times while in NYC when I wasn't seeing a show (it's true) and walking along 44th Street at 8:30 at night thinking to myself "Right now there are shows all over this city in progress. There are people laughing, crying, singing, listening and learning all at the same time." I just love that idea. I just love knowing that all over the city there are people having a great, culturally exhilarating experience. Each experience in a unique beautiful setting, cradling voices telling stories for those who will listen.